You have an Open House coming up and haven’t had time to clean or your Agent has just called with a last minute buyer coming to inspect?
Never fear, here are some quick RealRenta Pro-cleaning tips to get you out of a mess- literally:
- Set aside a specific time just for cleaning, even if it’s only 30 minutes or an hour
- Use a motivator, play music or listen to a tutorial- kill 2 birds with 1 stone
- Pro cleaners dress comfortably and wear gloves and even goggles to protect their eyes
- Use proper cleaning tools- good tools will ensure you’ll be finished in record time
- Make sure you have the 4 basics, Abrasive Cleaner, Tile & Bathroom Cleaner, degreasing cleaner & glass cleaner
- Put all your tools in one tote tray so that you have everything with you as you go from room to room
- Minimize movement and thoroughly clean the spot you’re in, ie- bathroom sink, mirror, counters and fixtures systematically
- Pick up any clutter before you start to clean so that you don’t get diverted putting things away
- Use two hands, for example spray a mirror with one hand and wipe it down with another
- Recruit family members- 4 or 6 pairs of hands are better than 2
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