
How to stop caring about what people think.



Why do we care so much about what other people think of us?

We are all guilty of it and for some people, it can cause great anxiety.

It’s time to reclaim the time and energy you spend, worrying about what other people think!

Here are some steps from the team at RealRenta, to help you stop worrying so much about what other people think, designed to help you maintain healthy and happy relationships.


  • Understand where this energy is coming from

In order to break the cycle, we firstly have to understand why we care.

From birth, we are taught that we should act and dress a certain way, buy certain products and adhere to specific values/ideologies to be accepted……. blah blah blah.

Social media has just made this a whole lot worse.

This is all just social conditioning and you must now give yourself permission, to be released from it.


  •  Understand that what other people think of you is none of your business

Caring what other people think is really, a no win proposition.

There is no point attaching yourself, to an outcome that you have absolutely no control over.

We have no control over what people say, do and think about us.

Believing that we have any ownership or control, over other people just comes from our ego.


  • Break the cycle- live in the NOW

Find what you are passionate about and redirect your energy there.

You will be amazed at how liberating it feels, to spend time doing what you love, instead of worrying about what other people think.

Developing a new perspective will free up your time and energy, to live in the moment and experience, genuine and authentic FLOW.


  • Practise Self Care and Acceptance every day

A regular, daily practice of self care is paramount for personal happiness and releasing any attachments to outcomes.

It doesn’t matter what it is, going to the gym, running, meditation or eating well, just make sure it is something that reminds you, of  how much you love and accept yourself.

When we feel more love and self acceptance, we actually attract more of it into our lives.


Remember- this is not going to be an instant transformation and you will likely fall back into the cycle, of worrying about other people’s opinions.

That is okay and very normal.

Be kind to yourself and remember that everyone else is also on a journey of growth and healing, that is unique to them and really- NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS ANYWAY.


Peace x.



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Marlene F Liontis