More and more homeowners and investors, are using social media sites to attract buyers to their property.
There are numerous benefits to advertising on social media, such as creating a more personal attachment for potential buyers, through your own photos and personal opinions.
Also, potential buyers can ask you questions directly, instead of going through a real estate agent.
Another benefit is that you can reach a potentially larger pool of buyers, because it doesn’t take long for information to be shared, between a large number of users and it won’t cost you anything.
Hashtags play an important role, so use descriptive hashtags to help people find your property.
Here are some more tips for using social media:
- Don’t post too much- you don’t want to annoy people or be accused of spamming
- Only use high quality pictures
- Appeal to your demographic ie families- post pictures of nearby parks and schools
- Before posting, make sure that you have a Contract of Sale drawn up
- If you have engaged an agent, get them to look over your posts for some advice
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