The biggest challenge with moving interstate is undoubtedly the distance. You can’t make a quick run back to your old property to pick up things you may have forgotten, so everything needs to be sorted out and organised well in advance.
Here is a quick checklist from RealRenta to use in the weeks prior to your interstate move:
- Organise a hard rubbish collection for the things you need to purge
- Create a spreadsheet of everything you own and separate according to room
- Choose a removalist that specializes in interstate moving
- Decide what you will be doing with valuables and delicate furniture-will you hire a trailer and transport yourself?
- Pack important documents and personal records and consider transporting these yourself
- Inform utility providers of your move and organize connections for your new property
- Plan your itinerary and organize your packing materials- moving boxes, packing tape, newspaper, bubble wrap and permanent markers
- Start packing and photograph expensive possessions and furniture in case of damage during the move
- Organise change of addresses with relevant institutions
- Organise cleaners, turn off utilities and make sure you have access to the interstate property
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