When applying for a personal loan, first compare the multiple offerings so that you can make the right choice.
Here are the main considerations when looking:
- Will it be a secured or unsecured loan?
- interest/comparison rate
- fees & charges
- term of your loan
- Always read the fine print
- Check that the lender is licenced
- Don’t take on any loans that you can’t afford
- Establish how much you want to borrow and how much you can repay each month
- Establish how long it will take you to pay off your loan
- Lenders might want to look at your credit file and will need to access pay details, credit card bills & bank statements
So what are the Pros & Cons of Personal Loans?
- Application processes are usually quick and can be done mostly online
- There are many different types of secured & unsecured loans that you can choose from
- Personal loans have very competitive interest rates as opposed to credit cards
- There may be strict eligibility criteria and you may not be approved if you have a poor credit rating
- Loan purpose may be restrictive depending on the type of personal loan you choose.
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