- Have you changed jobs or names recently? Moved house?
- You could have lost super you don't know about.
- Six million Australians have lost super worth over $14 billion dollars.
- Lost super means multiple super accounts; and the more super accounts you have, the more you're paying in fees.
The Australian government may contribute up to a maximum of $500 to some super accounts, however an eligibility criteria applies.
- Standard 9.5% super guarantee may not be enough for your retirement.
- You can make voluntary contributions to boost your super.
- The sooner you start, the bigger the difference.
Salary sacrifice contributions
- You can set up a pre-tax salary sacrifice super contribution.
- Pre-tax payments reduce your income tax.
- Less tax and more super savings.
Want to learn more Super Strategies?
Contact propertyloans@realrenta.com and we will arrange for our Finance Partner to contact you.