
Endearing yourself to a mortgage lender- Some tips from RealRenta

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It can be rough to secure a home loan so we asked some of our mortgage broker friends what are some of the secrets to endearing yourself to them.

This is what they told us:

  • Avoid payday loans like the plague
  • Put all expenses on a credit card and pay it off in full at the end of each month. This makes your bank account look healthy and lenders won’t see where you spend your money when they look at your bank statements.
  • Put all credit cards on a direct debit to avoid the risk of missing a payment
  • Reduce any other borrowing
  • Make sure you don’t exceed any overdraft limits
  • Pay off loans and credit cards from savings so it is not considered committed expenditure
  • If you are self employed, talk to your accountant about maximising your verifiable income at least 12 months before making a mortgage application
  • Set up a file that contains 12 months’ bank statements and at least 3 months worth of pay slips or at least 3 years worth of tax returns, if you are self employed.
  • Don’t spend money on betting- lenders don’t look kindly on it

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Marlene F Liontis