Many lenders are now restricting this kind of lending and while interest rates are low, it is the best time to be paying advance...
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The following list highlights the 25th percentile prices for housing and units, in each capital city as it reflects prices at the...
Real Estate is a high growth but low yield investment and once you build a big enough asset base, you can lower your loan value...
Australian renters have less legal protection than in other countries, despite the high rates of private rental, which is...
Currently, landlords are not required by law to change locks between tenants.
The new depreciation measures announced in this years’ budget will reduce the ability of property investors to make deductions...
SO you’re taking the plunge and buying your first Investment Property!
If you want to be one of the best, you need to lose the habits that are holding you back and adopt the traits that will keep you...
Professional photographers, like property investors, can be some of the most unwavering and persistent people.